Processors are a built-in part of the convo-core package. A typical processor has a part that contains elements and is to be executed if the right conditions are met and a part that contains request filters whose purpose is to determine if the conditions are met. Some elements contain multiple flows and some have their own built-in. You can read more about processors here:
Two processors are available in the convo-core package: Simple Processor and Yes/No Processor
Simple Processor
You can see a Simple Processor’s layout in the image above. It has one OK flow container which gets executed if the request filters in the container of the same name get matched.
You can add one or multiple filter components in the Request Filters container. For example, Intent Filters or NOP Filter from the Core package or Google NLP Filter from the convo-gnlp package.
You can combine filters from different packages to achieve cross-platform compatibility. To learn more about request filters, visit this guide.
If one of the filters in the Request Filters container gets matched, the elements you added in the OK flow are processed.
Yes/No Processor
The Yes/No Processor is a simple yes/no junction processor.
It has no Request Filters container but instead uses built-in filters and convo-core Yes/No intents. You need to propagate the changes to your chosen platform after adding the Yes/No processor. The exception is the Amazon Alexa platform which already has the built-in YesIntent and NoIntent and consequently doesn’t require the Yes/No Processor propagation.
This processor has two OK flows – the Yes flow and the No flow. The Yes flow elements are processed if the YesIntent gets matched, or in other words, the user gives an affirmative answer, and the No flow if the NoIntent gets matched.