
Convoworks WP – WordPress Plugin

Convoworks WP is available for installation through the WordPress plugin directory. Navigate to “Plugins/Add New” on your website and search for “Convoworks.” Download and activate the plugin. Upon activation, you’ll be directed to the Convoworks Getting Started page, where basic tutorial videos await.

Convoworks Prototype

The core Convoworks library is framework agnostic, which means it can be seamlessly integrated into any PHP application. Convoworks Prototype showcases an example implementation using vanilla PHP and employs the filesystem for data storage. Due to resource constraints, we’ve paused development of new versions, but earlier versions remain available for experimentation. If you’re interested in integrating Convoworks with a non-WordPress PHP application, we’re here to assist. Discover more about this implementation in our article: Meet the Convoworks Prototype – Plain PHP Convoworks Integration Example.

Docker Package – This ZIP contains both the source and the Docker setup. Simply execute docker-compose up and access the service at http://localhost:8080.

Full Package – This ZIP has all the necessary files included. There’s no need for Composer, Node, etc. Just extract the contents and deploy to your Apache/PHP setup, configure, and launch.

Initial Setup Note:
For both Prototype variants, the first run requires defining admin users. When deploying the full package, you must also configure a settings file. Consult the file included in the chosen download package for detailed instructions.